we all know I am an advocate for feeling your feelings. and this past week only reinforced my belief.
our feelings serve a purpose. even the scary ones.
when everything with our apartment went down I knew in my heart it was happening for a reason. but this positive outlook doesn’t mean I wasn’t experiencing fear. a positive mindset doesn’t mean you can only feel positive feelings.
feelings aren’t neat & organized. they don’t run on a timely schedule or wait until the moment is right. they serve a purpose. they arise to be felt and are felt to be released.
we are back at my parents until further notice. I was doing okay with this new reality as we told our landlord we couldn’t stay there. I was doing okay as we repacked our lives, again. I was even okay as we drove out of the city without a clue to when we would be back.
but as we pulled into the driveway I took a deep breath — and everything poured out. the fear, the disappointment, the anger, the uncertainty. I let it all come through. I leaned into it. I felt it. when my tears ran dry & I found my breath again — I was lighter. I was content. I was at peace.
when we feel our feelings we validate them.
and once they are validated their purpose is served.
only then are we able to release them — because their work is done.
this is what allows me to sit here as my september unfolds in ways I never imagined — feeling scared but hopeful, stressed but certain — that I am right on schedule to getting where i’m going.