Do you know what it feels like to be seen?
to have someone who doesn’t just look at you - but who sees you. who sees your trueness, your divinity, your gifts & your heart. someone who could care less about your appearance, your hair your acne your imperfections. someone who asks how you are doing & wants to hear your truth. someone who doesn’t need to say a word to lift your spirits & make you feel safe again. seen again. someone who’s energy vibrates in sync with your own. someone you know is in your life for a reason.
if the answer is yes, have faith in it. there are many people who move through life without ever feeling seen. tell your someone how much they mean to you. treat your someone with your most genuine love. & most importantly, see them too.
if the answer is no, look around you. who are you keeping for company? do you take the time to see them? do you even see yourself?
when I started living my truth, meditating, journaling, reflecting & getting to know who I am — I finally saw myself. and I loved what I saw. no judgement. no shame. just love.
& when I began to love myself my vibration grew. it went from low, dark & judgmental to high. warm. safe. peaceful. loving.
raising my vibration was no mistake. it was intentional as ever. my low vibes attracted low vibes. and now, my high vibes attract high vibes.
I am now in a place where I not only see myself, but I see others — and they see me.
the power that this type of connection holds is beyond words.
take the time. see yourself. & watch as the universe pulls people into your life that see you too.