it’s the morning sunlight that does it for me. one minute with nature has the power to bring me back into alignment with the things that matter.
what a beautiful way to start my tuesday!!!! spring is emerging & I feel it in my bones. I’m so excited for the warmth but am trying to be careful not to wish away the present.
I just feel GOOD today. I have more hope than I’ve had in weeks. most likely because I spent the entire day alone yesterday. casey was at work & my sister went to my parents. my calls were moved due to conflicts & so I was left with an open calendar & the house to myself.
instead of filling it with work I sat my ass on the couch & binged some netflix. I surfed the web. I drank some wine. I didn’t make myself show up for anyone. it was pure bliss.
I recharge when I’m alone. just me, myself & I (and jay). because sometimes sitting in your own energy feels really good. peaceful. rejuvenating!!
take some time for you today — you won’t regret it :)
sending my love